
Be Educated not Literate.

Be educated not literate. 

To understand what I am trying to cater here we first need to understand the difference between a literate and an educated person. Education is a much wider term. Education is about uplifting oneself morally, emotionally and intellectually. It focuses on the upliftment of the character.  Literate is confined to the ability to read and write. Education on other hands focuses on the enhancement of your brain and applying what you studied to real life. An educated person is one who is able to distinguish between the right and wrong.
                                                In a country like India literacy tends to be the main focus since majority of the population gets exploited and mislead because of being illiterate. Poor people have a very fatalist take towards life and hence they don’t even realize the value of education. What we don’t is realize that just by being able to read and write a man won’t succeed, we need to provide them with the right direction too. We need to focus onto the making of their character.  Mahatma Gandhi once said that western education is important but we also need to focus on our pristine form of education. We need to teach every child our own culture and our values. The world is changing at a turbulent pace, so yes we need to upgrade ourselves accordingly. But we also need to see that what is really important for the youth to study and to understand.  The values and qualities of an educated person has to be inculcated within them. We need to collaborate western education with our pristine forms to create a person who will bring about a change.

       You see, an educated person has an ideology, a literate person goes with the heard. We need people who will bring about a revolutionary change in our country, not those who are dumbstruck and still live in the India which was famous for snake charmers.
We need more of Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru, Literate and educated. 


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